Om konferensen

IoPT Norway - Institute for Traumawork

The Institute’s intention is to give courses/trainings  about trauma and its effect on individuals and society as a whole.

Our compassion in sharing knowledge about the intricate landscape of the human mind and soul, empower professionals within all kind of social, health or welfare systems, to offer their clients to put into motion their own innate healing power- by the knowledge og the IoPT theory and the Intention-method, in all its aspects.

 This years conference is a cooperation with IoPT Norway, Fagfokus and the Traumatherapist association.

Accreditations: The conference is being applied for accreditation by the Norwegian Psychological Association, the Norwegian Medical Association, and other relevant associations. 

Target Audience: Anyone interested in trauma theory and the way out of traumatizing experiences. 
This conference serves as a learning platform for both professionals and interested individuals, emphasizing applicable knowledge in therapeutic and societal contexts alike.

Streaming: New this year, the conference will also be streamed, allowing for digital participation. 

If you need more information or have questions about the program, registration, or anything else related to the conference, feel free to ask!


Mellan merparten av inläggen är det inlagt en kortare paus

Marta Thorsheim Børge Alexander Bohmann Aunan
10:00 - 10:15
Welcome to this years IoPT conference
Marta Thorsheim - Grunnlegger IoPT Norge Børge Alexander Bohmann Aunan - Leder NTF

Our compassion in sharing knowledge about the intricate landscape of the human mind and soul, empower professionals within all kind of social, health or welfare systems, to offer their clients to put into motion their own innate healing power- by the knowledge og the IoPT theory and the Intention-method, in all its aspects.

Kamzy Gunaratnam
10:15 - 11:00
What creates a good life
Kamzy Gunaratnam - Stortingsrepresentant

A personal and politicial view on trauma as the reason for alienation - Kamzy Gunaratnam - Member: Committee for health- and welfare, the Norwegian Parliament

Franz Ruppert
11:15 - 13:00
Dr Franz Ruppert »Trauma and Identity – also in the light of transgenerational trauma» Part 1
Franz Ruppert - Professor

A theoretical approach and why knowledge about transgeneratiolan trauma is important when meeting people exposed to trauma.

«Whe we know how trauma influences our Identity we may know how to support our clients out of identifications and back to own identity»

Founder of IoPT, retired professor in psychology at the University of Applied Science in Munich.

Børge Alexander Bohmann Aunan
14:00 - 14:45
IoPT in public psychological health care system
Børge Alexander Bohmann Aunan - Leder NTF

is Traumatherapy a task for the county? Working within psychological health in Skien county, 

Cristina Archetti
15:00 - 15:45
IoPT beyond the therapy room: Trauma, invisible racism and Norway’s forgotten past
Cristina Archetti - Professor

Trauma theory is not only useful in a therapeutic setting. It can also help more deeply understand the politics of a world in turmoil and what is currently happening, collectively, in our society. This talk outlines the role of trauma in the perpetuation of hidden and often denied, yet systemic, discrimination in Norway. Understanding trauma can effectively help us become a more cohesive society: by alerting us to the silent suffering of both victims and perpetrators and by making us aware that the roots of discrimination lie in “forgotten” pasts—ghosts that still haunt our present and which we can choose to confront and process.

Dag två

Franz Ruppert
10:15 - 11:30
Trauma and Identity - also in a Multigenerational Perspective
Franz Ruppert - Professor

A theoretical introduction and why knowledge about transgenerational trauma is important when meeting trauma survivors.  Only when we understand how trauma affects human identity can we support clients in moving away from identification with trauma and back to their own identity.

Irene Standnes
11:45 - 13:00
Perpetrators with victim attitudes
Irene Standnes - traumeterapeut

Perpetrators with victim attitudes – Are there any link between victim attitudes in perpetrators identity and transgenerational trauma?

Irene Standnes is trained as a IoPT supervisor and facilitator, in addition to her law degree. She has had former positions as executive officer for the Norwegian Government, Ministry of Trade and Business and position as mayoral advisor in Hareid Municipality.

Lill Heidi Patriksson
14:00 - 14:45
A practical case :Couple relation – how transgenerational trauma affected our couple relationship and the way out.
Lill Heidi Patriksson - IoPT traumeterapeut

In the light of IoPT theory and the Intentionmethod for couple therapy. Patriksson works as  family advisor in the Stockholm county, Sweden

Solveig Iren Roth
15:00 - 15:30
I’m trying to break free: I don’t want my daughter to experience what I did – those difficult experiences with other people
Solveig Iren Roth - Førsteamanuensis

Roth deals with how mothers who experience psychological challenges reflect about their own role as mothers, their own positioning, and the value of IoPT.

Her latest research interests include parents to children with poorly defined challenges and worries, and/or who have psychological challenges, and how their positional identities may change across contexts and over time. The contexts are everyday life within the family and in the neighborhood, kindergarten, school and the majority societal impulses/discourses.

15:30 - 16:00
Paneldiscussion - all presenters

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    2300,- 3000,-
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    10925,- 14250,-
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    20700,- 27000,-
  • Grupprabatt 15 deltagare
    29670,- 38700,-
  • Grupprabatt 20 deltagare
    37720,- 49200,-
  • Grupprabatt 30 deltagare
    51750,- 67500,-
  • Grupprabatt 40 deltagare
    59800,- 78000,-
  • Grupprabatt 50 deltagare
    63250,- 82500,-

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