A learning conference for all - also for professionals in all kind of human relation work
- Digital: Digital!
- Språk: Svenska
- Print: Program
IoPT Norway - Institute for Traumawork
The Institute’s intention is to give courses/trainings about trauma and its effect on individuals and society as a whole.
Our compassion in sharing knowledge about the intricate landscape of the human mind and soul, empower professionals within all kind of social, health or welfare systems, to offer their clients to put into motion their own innate healing power- by the knowledge og the IoPT theory and the Intention-method, in all its aspects.
This years conference is a cooperation with IoPT Norway, Fagfokus and the Traumatherapist association.
Accreditations: The conference is being applied for accreditation by the Norwegian Psychological Association, the Norwegian Medical Association, and other relevant associations.
Target Audience: Anyone interested in trauma theory and the way out of traumatizing experiences.
This conference serves as a learning platform for both professionals and interested individuals, emphasizing applicable knowledge in therapeutic and societal contexts alike.
Streaming: New this year, the conference will also be streamed, allowing for digital participation.
If you need more information or have questions about the program, registration, or anything else related to the conference, feel free to ask!
Du kan följa konferensen live och via inspelning i 14 dagar efteråt. Om du bekostar konferensen själv (som privatperson) så erhåller du 50% rabatt på priset.
Vid anmälan av digitala grupper är det möjligt att se på konferensen på flera platser/enheter samtidigt. En person kommer att stå som ansvarig för gruppanmälning, individuell registrering sker senare.